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Discover a new side of Tokyo through walking!

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Ota City [Highlight]
Nitta-jinja Shrine

A neighborhood for enjoying history and nature / From Zoshiki Station to Musashi-Nitta Station

Route Description

Zoshiki Sta.→Rokugo-jinja Shrine→Chisan Sect An-yoji Temple→Tama River embankment→Site of the Yaguchi Ferry→Higashi Hachiman-jinja Shrine→Jikki-jinja Shrine→Nitta-jinja Shrine→Musashi-nitta Sta.

The Rokugo/Yaguchi area faces the Tama River and much rich natural beauty can still be found here. There are also many historic sites connected to the famous samurai Nitta Yoshioki located in this area, and visitors can experience a sense of history. The area also has many other faces, being home to factories and shops as well as long being a place where homes and new apartment buildings intermingle. Work up an invigorating sweat while walking and enjoying history and nature. After your walk, why not relax in one of the area’s sento (public bathhouses) blending in with the surrounding townscape?

* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm. The time required in parentheses is the amount of time it actually took members of the collaborating organization to walk the course.

PDF walking mapDownload


* This course is included on P.14 - 15 of the PDF Walking Map.

* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.

* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.

[Ota City Health Promotion programs Department Health Care Management Division TEL 03-5744-1683]

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