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Shinagawa City [Highlight]

Sakura (cherry tree) Gotenyama Course

Route Description

Shinbaba Station North exit (Keikyu Railway)→ Shinagawa Shrine → Gotenyama → Gotenyama-no-Saka Slope → Tombs of Takuan Osyo (Buddhist priest) → Shinbaba Station North exit(Keikyu Railway)

The cemetery of Taisuke Itagaki is located at the end of the passage way which runs from the right side of the main building of the Shinagawa shrine (it is outside of the shrine property).

* For an estimation of the time required, calorie burned and number of steps to take each course above is calculated using the following conditions: speed of walking is 4km/h, Calorie burned in 10 minutes of walking = 30kcal, 1 step = 70cm (27.5 inch), average weight= 60kg (132.7lbs). Therefore, some estimations may be different from indicated on the Shinagawa Ward Walking Map (PDF).

PDF walking mapDownload


* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.

* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.

[Shinagawa City Healthy promotion department health section TEL 03-5742-6746]

Other nearby courses.
