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Discover a new side of Tokyo through walking!

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Bunkyo City [Highlight]
Kyoikunomori Park

Green Travel Road

This course does not have an indicated start or goal location. Please decide a spot that is easiest for you to start and finish at.

Route Description

→Sengoku Sta.→Koishikawa Botanical Garden→Hakusan Sta.→Ogai Mori Museum→Kusuo Yasuda's Former Residence and Garden→Historical Landmark of Kotaro Takamura’s Former Residence→Fabre Insect Museum→Rikugien→Sengoku Sta.→

* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm.

PDF walking mapDownload


* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.

* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.

[Bunkyo City Academy Promotion Department, Sports Promotion Division TEL 03-5803-1308]

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